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URL Encode / Decode

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URL Encoding and Decoding

URL encoding and decoding is the process of converting a string into a format that can be safely transmitted over the internet. URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) are used to identify resources on the internet and are made up of a series of characters, such as letters, numbers, and symbols. However, some characters have special meanings in URLs, such as the ampersand (&) and the question mark (?), and cannot be used in their unencoded form.

URL encoding replaces unsafe characters with their corresponding percent-encoded values, which are a sequence of three characters: a percent sign (%) followed by two hexadecimal digits. For example, the ampersand character (&) is replaced with %26, and the space character is replaced with %20. URL decoding is the opposite process, converting the percent-encoded values back to their original characters.

URL encoding and decoding are used for various purposes, such as passing data between web pages, transmitting data via APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), and constructing URLs for search engine optimization. These processes are also important for security, as they help prevent malicious attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection, by ensuring that all characters in a URL are properly encoded and cannot be exploited by attackers.

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